will anyone have a docker compose file that installs nextcloud and onlyoffice documentserver with ssl? I have tried to make one myself but I have not been able to get it to work. I am working on a vps with a domain.
Hello there,
you can basically put all the single services into one compose file, that is not an issue.
Put swag, nextcloud, onlyoffice and mysql/mariadb into separate services in one compose-file. The hard part will be configuration. You still have to make them work together by configuring the services the correct way. And that is the problem … this is still hard for people unfamiliar with networking / reverse proxy, that kinda stuff. But other than that, this is totally doable in my opinion.
Unless you want to create something from scratch to make the configuration easier. That would be indeed something totally new and will require some time and skills in setting up container-services.
Hello @julbroa
Unfortunately, we do not have ready-to-go compose files for this integration.