Docbuilder can not debug on windows, throw error: cannot read run file

I fllow the official document: Debugging to open debug mode。but failed, the command line output as follows:

Windows PowerShell
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PS C:\Users\etsme> docbuilder
USAGE: documentbuilder "path_to_script_file"
PS C:\Users\etsme> docbuilder script.docbuilder
error: cannot read run file
PS C:\Users\etsme> SET V8_USE_INSPECTOR=1
PS C:\Users\etsme> docbuilder script.docbuilder
error: cannot read run file
PS C:\Users\etsme> docbuilder --version
error: cannot read run file
PS C:\Users\etsme> docbuilder -v
sdk version:  8.1.0 (build:169)

Hello @isNaN,
Make sure the following is correct:

You are running the command prompt or PowerShell as an administrator.
The file script.docbuilder actually exists in C:\Users\etsme.