When DesktopEditor is in window mode (advanced settings > open file > in its own window) I have a problem trying to open multiple instances from the command line. The commands “openoffice-desktopeditors --new:word/slide/presentation/form” or "openoffice-desktopeditors “PATH” will open a single instance of the desktopeditor but when one of these commands are tried a second time then both instances close. However, if an instance of openoffice-desktopeditor is opened, and then you move to the welcome screen, then new instances don’t crash (even if you close the welcome screen after opening a second instance). Is this the intended functionality or a bug?
I would like to be able to open mutliple instances from the command line and not have to navigate to the welcome screen to prevent windows from automatically closing. Is this possible?
OS version: Arch linux
App version:
Downloaded from: AUR