Desktop Editor "Internet connection failed"

Docker Community Server was backupd.
New Community Server was installed on Debian 10.11.
Https was turned on.
New blank Community Server works fine with web and Desktop Editors.
After restoring Community Server from backup I have “internet connection failed” error after login password dialog in Desktop Editors.
I installed an empty server twice.
The result after restoring a backup is always the same

Web interface works without any issues.

Community Server/Control Panel version:
onlyoffice-documentserver 7.0.0-132
ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors версия
Type of installation of Workspace deb
OS: Debian 10.11
Browser version: Chrome

Hello @Vini
Could you please run a test? Try to run Desktop Editors with additional flag.

For Linux: dekstopeditors --ignore-certificate-errors

For Windows: “C:\Program Files\ONLYOFFICE\DesktopEditors\DesktopEditors.exe” --ignore-certificate-errors

Will the issue change?

Issue not changed.
Also I tried to remove local data in User AppData\Local\ONLYOFFICE\DesktopEditors folder. No any effect.

Ok, try to run it with ascdesktop-support-debug-info flag. This flag will enable console mode and we can check out error entries. Please reproduce the issue (connect to your portal) and immediately hit F1 button. Please check Console and Network tabs and make screenshots.
Also, is it possible to provide us with test account to your portal? So we are able to check the situation on the spot. If so, please contact me via PM.

Issue is solved. Many thanks for the support team!

machine.key was transferred from ‘old’ server.

As it is described here: Using the Control Panel backup/restore feature - ONLYOFFICE

Due to the new mechanism of the password encryption, there is no possibility to restore the password from the backup using the core.machinekey key which differs from the original one. To ensure correct portal operation, specify the old server key in the web.appsettings.config , TeamlabSvc.exe.Config files, and in the Control Panel production.json config file before restoring the backup on a new server.

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