Deleting old Document Versions

Using Document/File Versioning is great.
But there must me also an option to DELETE all old versions and leave only the last one to the users.
I can’t find out how to delete all old versions from a file.
How can I do it??
I am trying in on “Doc Space” and “OnlyOffice Personal”.
And also, there should be an option to just not have any file versioning at all.
Thanks for any support.

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Hello @delft.consult

Unfortunately, there is no way to disable versioning nor to remove old versions of a document in cloud based solutions.

Good day,
What about the OnPrem version? This seems to be a very important feature to have.

Hello @sabnav

Which product do you use exactly?

OnlyOffice Docspace enterprise

Hello @sabnav
If you don’t mind, I will join this thread too.
We are checking the situation, I will update this thread once we have something to share.

Unfortunately, this is not possible at the moment. However, we are working on this feature already. We will update this thread once we have something to share.