Delete Row

Hello everybody,

I’d like to delete a row from my spredshet-document via a macro. For this I tried the following code:

let objZeile = objTabelle.GetRange(intZeile + “:” + intZeile);

Where “intZeile” is the number of the row to delete and objZeile is the range-object.

All lines of code are executed but obviously not this lines(?) as nothing happens.

Can anybody help.

Thanks and regards

Hello again,

just two additional pieces od information.

I tried:


as recommended in some older post - with no success.

And as mentioned in the post I tried it in both online and offline editors to the same result.

Hello, unfortunately, the Delete method is currently not working due to a bug. It should be fixed for the upcoming 8.2 version. Sorry for the inconvenience

Hello Dimitri,

thanks for your answer! Can you give me a time frame when 8.2 is due to be released?

Thanks again

@Dimpflmoser It should be released this month

Hello @Dimpflmoser, the delete method is working properly on new 8.2 version of Document Server, the version has been released, you can update now