Define userdata during forcesave

We are using the Docs Developer.

We are attempting to integrate OnlyOffice Docs into our system and things are going great so far, the issue we are having right now is with saving a document. We want to save the document to a file back on the Storage Server in a custom defined folder with the file name we specify. We have the filename and save path set in a javascript variable but when we use the save button with forcesave enabled, the callbackurl which is a PHP file to save the file, we can not get the javascript variable into a PHP variable to be used for saving the data. If we manually put in the absolute pat and filename into the PHP file, it works but we need it to be dynamic so that we can properly save these documents back to our server.

Hi @chundley,
It is possible to add userdata to the forcesave request when it is performed via Command Service:

You can also add all the necessary query parameters right to the callback URL. For example, this is how the callback URL looks like in our integration samples:

Thank you for the short example, that worked perfectly.