Data validation: Date Picker like in Google Sheets?

As I’m trying to make users move away from google apps, I was asked how to add a date picker in a spreadsheet, as described at How to Add Date Picker in Google Sheets - Sheetaki

I see data validation can indeed test a date, but there is no date picker, or I couldn’t find it. Did I look in the wrong place? If not, would it be possible to add something similar in OO Sheets ? That would be very useful for shared spreadsheet when people use it to organize something date-based.



Hello @Clement

That would be very useful for shared spreadsheet when people use it to organize something date-based.

Unfortunately, there is no Date Picker in sheets Editor.
We will discuss the possibility of adding this feature.
I will let you know when I get something.

Thank you for using ONLYOFFICE!

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Hey, @Clement
Please accept my apologies for the delay in responses.

We have registered you suggestion to add the ability to insert dates into a cell using a calendar under the number 62057.