Data table from web page in spreadsheet

In Excell it’s a simple process to scan a web page an insert a table from a webpage.
Data / insert from web / than choose the table.

In LibreOffice it’s harder to find but we can do it also.

In Only office, I can’t see that. I was expecting to see in under the tab Data / Find data (or something else since I have the French version Obtenir les données).

Do you know if it will be included soon or if something can be make to have it ?

Hello @maccel

If I understand correctly, you are referring to the functionality of Power Query. Unfortunately, it is not implemented yet in ONLYOFFICE editors, but enhancement was created earlier so I am adding your request to it.

Sorry for inconvenience.


I do not know if it’s Power Query but, it’s just that, " insert from web" in the data tab. We only have to give the URL of the page and, after some time, a list of table found, with preview, is available. You then have just to select, from the list, the table(s) and make it inserted in the spreadsheet.

The table is then in a new page with filter on it.

Hope to see this function soon.

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