Dear Support,
I wanted to upgrade to a newer version, but unfortunately the upgrade totally broke my installation. (Debian 10, apt-get upgrade, workspace install) I ended up installing the workspace with docker via the provided script. It works as intended, however I have issues when I want to restore my old backup into it.
Long story short, I don’t have the machine key. (I still have the document root of the old server, but I can’t find this key anywhere)
All my users are/were LDAP imported users, and without the machine key every time I restore the backup I’m getting locked out. None of the passwords are working, not even the administrator one I gave at the install and I can’t remember the old one. Is there anything I can do to to get in? I need the documents from the old installation badly and I really don’t want to search for them in the backup one by one.
Thanks in advance,
I looked into the MySQL database and I saw that all my previously imported users are there, none of them are disabled or removed. Since I had no idea how to generate the same exact hash I found there, I ended up installing a new Workspace somewhere else just so I can copy the pwdhash out of it. Unfortunately it did not solve anything, I still can’t log into the restored database.
Then I looked into the web.log, and I have found this:
2022-12-15 09:46:55,436 ERROR [2921] localhost - ASC - LdapUserImporter->Login(administrator) failed System.Exception: Bind operation wasn’t completed successfully.
at ASC.ActiveDirectory.Novell.NovellLdapSearcher.Connect () [0x001a5] in <5a133c91a82e465ca2b9d554aeae9e1f>:0
at ASC.ActiveDirectory.Novell.NovellLdapHelper.Connect () [0x00006] in <5a133c91a82e465ca2b9d554aeae9e1f>:0
at ASC.ActiveDirectory.Base.LdapUserImporter.FindLdapUsers (System.String login) [0x00025] in <5a133c91a82e465ca2b9d554aeae9e1f>:0
at ASC.ActiveDirectory.Base.LdapUserImporter.Login (System.String login, System.String password) [0x00017] in <5a133c91a82e465ca2b9d554aeae9e1f>:0
So maybe my problem is that after the restore, the LDAP authentication is still turned on (as it was on the older, working version of Workspace), but for some reason it can’t bind the server I want to use? Is there a way I can turn off LDAP authentication from CLI? I looked long enough in all the containers, but I couldn’t find where. I also searched through all the MySQL tables for this setting without any luck.
Okay, so I figured out where the LDAP settings are in MySQL, and successfully disabled the LDAP auth on my Workspace. Then I noticed that the pwdhash is different on every install, I guess it’s connected to the machine key(?). Once I had the correct hash from the web.sql.log, I was able insert it into the DB and log in with my admin user.
Now everything works as before, all my users have all their files. Please close this thread.
Hello @Norbert
I’m glad to hear that you have managed to solve this problem by yourself.