I would like to set a shortcut key for the tool to switch between upper and lower case in the onlyoffice document. Where should I go to do this? I didn’t find the option. I wanted to leave the shortcut key Shift+F3.

Hello @Jaimy
We are checking the situation. I will contact you as soon as possible.

Good morning Alexandre
I received a message that my question was closed as a duplicate. Will you still contact me about the matter?

Hello @Jaimy
I just closed the other topic with the same request. Please do not create multiple topics with the same question.
As for the request in general, unfortunately there’s no shortcut for this scenario at the moment. We added your suggestion to internal tracksystem and we have started working on it.
I will update this thread once we have something to share.

No problem @Alexandre we will wait for the improvements. Thank you.

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