Custom File and Photo resizing features is missing

I would like to request a feature for an Android version of Only Office, I think the “custom file resizing” is missing in your app, I want to make an 8.5x13 inches file size but there is no custom file resizing and the photo editor has no custom resizing feature where you can type the specific size, for example I want to set my ID picture to 2x2 inches size of photo but I can’t do it for the Only Office doesn’t have this features I hope in the next update this feature will come.

Device: Realme 5i
OS version: Android
App version: 5.7.0

Hello @James_Ryan

I do not completely understand your request.

Do you mean margin settings by that?

Correct me if I misunderstand, you are referring to the image size, i.e. height and width, and adding a possibility to set those for the image that was added to the document, aren’t you?

Hello, thank you for your reply, talk about Custom sizing features,

  1. I wasn’t able to resize a file size to a specific size of a paper that I want. The OnlyOffice just giving me a preset of size like “letter” “legal” sizes, I have to make an 8.5x13 File size but there’s no such size in OnlyOffice Android version nor to make my own size of paper.

  2. I wasn’t able to resize the picture to specific size that I want The OnlyOffice just let you resize the image but not giving you information of the size of the picture what I did is estimating the size and it is very annoying sorry to say that.

I hope at the next Update this feature will be implemented.

Thank you again for giving me an attention :>

Thanks for clarification. I’m checking the situation so as soon as I get any news, I will inform you.

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We have registered both of your suggestions as enhancements for the Mobile App:

  1. add possibility to set custom field sizes;
  2. add possibility to set custom image size.

They will be added in one of the future releases of the application.

Thank you for your suggestions.