Cuando se crea un PDF con inserción de texto los acentos crean espacios y/o superposición del texto

Cuando se crea un PDF en el cual se puede insertar texto, las palabras que contienen acentos generan un espacio después del acento o una superposición del texto encima de la letra con acento. Esto pasa con absolutamente todos los PDF que he creado, no sé si debe a un bug o a un error a la hora de crear el PDF. El PDF está creado de la siguiente forma:

DocumentBuilder version: version (x64 exe)
OS: Windows 11 x64

Hello @Andreu

Please note that official languages of this forum are English and Chinese.

If I understand correctly, when typing accent into a Text field of a form it creates additional space, is that correct? Please provide video demonstration of this behavior for reference as well as a file where this issue is reproducible for analysis.

By the way, category is set to Document Builder whilst on the screenshot I can see editor interface. Please specify if you use Desktop Editors in this scenario.

Hello, I have the same problem in french : I create a form on the only version, then I download it as PDF.
When i open it on Fifrefox, no problem, but with Edge or Chrome or Adobe PDF, when i write one of those letters : “é”, “è”, “ê”, “ç” or “à”, then the following letter just write itself on it, like if there no letter before.
When I write “ï” or “î”, it puts a space after it.

Windows 10
Only office Only verion (but through our company server Nextcloud) :

Thansk you for your help.

Here a screen shoot of what happen

Hello @F-CED

Please note that newer version of ONLYOFFICE Docs (Document Server) is available. I’d recommend updating it and checking the situation afterwards.

If problem reproduces after the update, please provide sample file where you experience this issue for analysis and versions of browsers where this issue occurs.