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When using OnlyOffice in computers with screen resolution of 1366x768 ( SD ) and probably other non-FullHD resolutions, the Save/Cancel button of Save copy as dialog are hidden below the limits of the screen.
When using chrome with bookmarks bar visible, the buttons are hidden, but hiding the bookmarks bar makes the button appear partially enough to click them.
Here’s a sequence ( all with screen resolution of 1366x768 ):
1.) Chrome with bookmarks bar visible:
2.) Chrome with bookmarks bar hidden:
Then, I started my investigation and found that removing
body #fileSelectorTree{height:450px}
rendered these results:
1.) Chrome with or without bookmarks bar visible:
BUT once you expand the destination folder structure enough for the overflow to become visible, the buttons disappear again:
This is a serious issue, as it is able to compromise any screen resolution in this case
The source file file of the css i changed above in CommunityServer repository might be this one:
lines 35-37:
body #fileSelectorTree {
height: 450px;
Summary: This is a no-go for SD resolutions and might bite the end user in any other resolution.
And here’s some suggestions:
Another point is that IMHO, the form should accept ENTER as “Save action” - so, you can expand any level of subfolders and yet be able to save the file -
Let’s say I want to save TESTDOCUMENT.docx as OWTEST.docx, and OWTEST.docx already exists: shouldn’t OO behave like in a file Drag’N’Drop copy/move and ask wether I want to overwrite ( with version update ), save a copy or cancel?