Crop Feature is Badly Displayed in Mobile App

ONLYOFFICE Mobile: Documents
Device: Huawei P30 lite
OS version: Android 11
App version: 7.5.1
Mode: On Device

In my opinion there is a problem with displaying cropped elements in Android App.

I made 2 examples:

  1. In first one there is image where part of it is outside of the document file:

  1. Here is example where this part was cropped:

And when I open this file in Mobile App, this second example (cropped one) is weirdly squeezed:

Here is file:
Example.docx (381.1 KB)

Hello @dedoci

Thanks for the document and screenshots. We are checking the situation, I will provide feedback as soon as I get any news.

I’ve found out that it is a known bug so your report was added to it. Thank you for cooperation.
Our team has started working on it recently, however, unfortunately, there are no exact time frames for the fix available yet.