Create Checkbox in spreadsheets?

Trying to figure out why i can’t create checkboxes on spreadsheets but can on the new “word” document. Just doens’t make sense as to why i can’t on spreadsheets. Am i missing something?

Hello @alishadfar

If I understand you correctly, you are referring to Form Controls. Unfortunately, Form Controls are not yet supported in our editors.

Let me know if I’m mistaken. If I am, please provide a link to the documentation about checkboxes and how to add/create them in other editors.

Hello. You’re correct that i’m referring to “Form Controls.” I was trying to setup a Task List where you can check the box and strikesthrough text. I have the logic/formula working (instead of a checkbox i’m using True/False)…would look much cleaner if we were able to use a checkbox. I appreciate your response and hope you guys add that feature in the near future. Thank you.

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Hello Constantine
link: Insert content controls - ONLYOFFICE

How to make the same in spreadsheets?

Hello @deimjons

Unfortunately, Content Controls are not available in Spreadsheet editor.