Correct numbering of the table caption

Hello everyone!
I do have a question about labeling:

I do have a document with the following layout:

  1. Table of content
  2. Abstract
  3. Chapter 1 with some tables
  4. Chapter 2 with some tables
    with multiple subchapters and tables in every chapter.

For the abstract and main chapters I used the Heading 1- Style.
Now, if i want to add the chapter number in the labeling of the table, it always starts with 0, so it says 0.1 instead of 1.1 or 2.1.
Is there a way to define, that it should add a 1 in chapter 1 and a 2 in chapter 2 instead of the 0? Or do I have to add it by myself?

Thanks a lot in advance :slight_smile:

Hello @Error404

Is it possible to share the document to get better visual understanding of described issue? Any screenshots would be nice too.

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