"copy-paste" between the table and the document, but with column width adjustment

MS Office 2024 and Onlyoffice Desktop Editors 8.2.2, “freshly installed”, all default settings.

In Onlyoffice, is there a way to do “copy-paste” from a table to a document, but with the data “sticking” to the previous table (column width alignment) ?

In MS Office, this happens “automatically” with the “Ctrl-V” combination (just for clarity - I did the same thing with the mouse through the context menu, but Ctrl-V works too), as long as the cursor is just at the end of the table. It’s convenient if there’s a ready-made header already formatted in the document and we need to “stick” the data from the .xlsx table to it, but with column adjustments.

How can this be done in Onlyoffice ?

I’m attaching a video demonstrating how this works in MS Office and Onlyoffice.

Updated: I replaced OnlyOffice from 8.2.2 to 8.3.0 - the question remains, the data “does not stick” :slight_smile:

Hello @iteh
Thank you for the provided video files and detailed description, we are checking the situation.

Dear @iteh
Thank you for detailed description again!
We have found a bug in this scenario, we have started working on it.