Converting Excel formulas to onlyoffice spreadsheet

How do I change the following line to work with onlyoffice spreadsheet:
OS version: Manjaro
App version:
Downloaded from: ONLYOFFICE website / Other (specify)

Hello @dcihon
Could you please share with us an example of the file where mentioned formula works in MS? We will check the situation.

Hello @dcihon
I’ve got the file. I have opened it in MS Office and our editor. I don’t see any difference nor formula issues between editors. Could you please make a compare screenshot? Please point me to the issue.

After changing one of the values on the stats page and going back to the standings page I see this

I have checked provided scenario in MS 2013, MS 2019 and our editor. All editors show the same behaviour. After changing value on line 21, standing page shows #NAME? issue.
This issue is not related to Desktop Editors. I believe that something goes wrong with formulas since the scenario reproduces on MS Excel.