Configuración inicial de los documentos

Hola, soy nuevo con OnlyOffice, quisiera saber si ha y alguna manra de cambiar los valores inicales del tipo y tamño de ltra, la alineación de los parrafos, el leguange del documeto, etc.
Me explico, los documentos siempre abren con Arial 11, yo quisiera que siempre abriesen los nuevos documentos con otro tipo de letra(p.e. Cantarell), otro tamaño.
Me pueden decir donde se guardan las plantillas de los nuevos documentos? O, en su defecto, como hago para que cuando cree un nuevo documento me abra uno que yo ya haya modificado a mi gusto

Hello @Picure01

Please note that the official language of this forum is English. Consider rewriting your request.

So far if I get it correct, you are looking for the file templates to replace them with your own with predefined desired settings, is that so? If it is, please provide information about the product you are using (ONLYOFFICE Docs, Desktop Editors, etc.) and information about OS where it is installed.

Hi!, Sorry for my bad english.
I’m using ONLYOFFICE Destop Editors, under Linux x64 Manjaro flavor.
And yes, that it’s the question!
I want to initializate my docs with another typography, another text alignment, etc.
Thanks foryour quick rsponse.

Hello again @Picure01

You can replace the pre-made templates of the files by another ones with necessary settings saved. Examples are located in /opt/onlyoffice/desktopeditors/converter/empty. Inside of this folder you will see language specific catalogs, these are defined the language of the editors interface. For example, for Spanish you have to change documents in /es-ES/.

wow! thanks a lot, It’s what I was looking for.

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