Compatibility problem OO to MS-Office with Section break and page orientation

When I edit a document in OnlyOffice that contains several section breaks where the orientation of the pages changes (portrait/landscape), it is printed correctly in OnlyOffice.
If this document is printed in MS Office, the portrait pages are printed in landscape format and the landscape pages in portrait format.
This is independent of the printer used.

This phenomenon is annoying because it makes it impossible to forward documents to other organisations that do not use OnlyOffice.

Hello @Karhu

What is version of Desktop Editors and which OS is used in this scenario? By the way, is it related to specific document? If so, it is possible to provide it for analysis?

We use the Version (x64 msi) under Windows 10 pro.
The problem also occurs with OnlyOffice Online Editor version when editing or creating documents that switch between portrait and landscape format in the section changes.

With Microsoft® Word for Microsoft 365 MSO we use version 2402 Build 16.0.17328.20124) 32 Bit. This is where the problem occurs when printing.

… here a sample:

Please note that newer version is available. I’d ask you to update and check the situation again.

By the way, did you print the PDF via Print to PDF button in editors or via Windows Print to PDF option in printing dialog window?

Hi Constantine,
thank you very much for the helpful advice.

We have now installed ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors version (x64 msi) and …
… (hurray!) in this version the pale no longer occurs! Even better, if I re-save a “defective” document with this version, it is also “repaired”.

That solves the case for me.

by the way:

It was irrelevant whether I had printed to a PDF with MS Word (directly in MS-PDF or also with PDF24, for example) or exported to PDF from MS Office.

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