Community Server 12.0.1186 - Elastic Search only update?

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For feature suggestions, describe the result you would like to achieve in detail: It appears this update only updates Elastic Search from the prior version.
Community Server/Control Panel version: 12.0.1186
Type of installation of Workspace (docker, deb/rpm, exe) EXE
OS: Windows

I tested this update in my local test environment, as I always do. This version seems to only update Elastic Search over the prior version. The change notes don’t yet reflect what this update is for. Is it to address some sort of vulnerability?
I ask because the install -still- breaks the OO windows installation by resetting all the machine keys and mangling the IIS setup. I know how to work around that (but I wish you’d fix it finally!!), but it’s a hassle and won’t do it just for an Elastic Search upgrade UNLESS it’s security related.

Hello @charles

I ask because the install -still- breaks the OO windows installation by resetting all the machine keys and mangling the IIS setup. I know how to work around that (but I wish you’d fix it finally!!)

Community server v.12.0.1 contains a fix for described situation (bug 50992 is fixed in this version). So, I believe that you will not face this issue again. Future updates should work properly.
As for changelogs for v.12.0.1, we are planning to public them this week.

By the way, as far as I understand, you have a commercial license. This way it’s better to contact us via Zendesk to get prompt replies.

Hi, yes the machine key and IIS mangling was supposed to be fixed in 12.0.1. But it didn’t work (at all, as far as I can tell). The problem still occurs in this most recent update, as well as the prior update. I already communicated that with OO support staff.

Re Zeddesk, this is not urgent. Besides, on one hand I’m told not to open so many tickets (whether there are problems or not!), and you tell me to open tickets. So… I do what I have to do.

The fix is placed in 12.0.1, so the future updates will run smoothly. But, yes, you can face the similar issue while you are running an update from 12.0 to 12.0.1.

We’re using 12.0.1142. The problem exists there. I had the same problem upgrading from 1142 to 1186. So… I don’t think the problem is fixed.

Sorry if I spoke not clearly. The latest version of Community server (v.12.0.1) contains a fix for described situation (bug 50992). The fix works for future updates (next version of Community server which is not released at the moment).
So you can face the mentioned issue if you are running the update now. But you will not face it for future releases, because the fix persists since v.12.0.1.

Thanks for the clarification.
Are you able to tell me if this 12.0.1186 update is indeed only Elastic Search, and if so, is it to address a security issue? So that I can plan accordingly on whether to deploy it to production or not.


Are you able to tell me if this 12.0.1186 update is indeed only Elastic Search, and if so, is it to address a security issue?

No, it isn’t related to ElasticSearch only. We are going to publish changelogs for v.12.0.1 soon.