Combobox component being ignored in worksheet

The Combobox component used to choose an option is not displayed, leaving only the cell behind it to manually change the value, when viewing in Excel the component is still there.

Onlyoffice: Desktop Editors
SO: Windows 10 Pro 21H2
Versão do navegador: Google Chrome 100.0.4896.75

Hello @Marcelo
Would you mind providing us with details. Please describe the situation in detail, also you can make screenshots.

Of course :wink: , follow the video about what is happening.

How can I insert a .wmv video in the post? I put it on Drive and shared it.

Remembering that I’m testing the files I use in my work before fully migrating to Onlyoffice, so consider it a compatibility test with files created in Excel.

That was right action.
Could you please provide us with example of the file from your recorded video? We want to take a closer look at it.

I organized it in a folder and created a new link.

Sorry, I have no access to download via this link.


Hello @Marcelo
Sorry for the late reply.
Thank you for provided file. This is known situation, we added your request to internal bug number - 50124. We are working to implement this feature.
Sorry for inconvenience.