Collaboration → Display Mode → Final: not working the common way

OS version: LinuxMint
App version: testet on Flatpak 8.1.1 AND Nextcloud-extension (, so this issue probably exists everywhere.

Problem: I want to track my changes, but I don’t want to have the document coloured all over. when using libreOffice, I just activate Collaboration - > Display Mode → Final; then the changes I make will just look as if there was no tracking (as if all changes where accepted). when I want to see the changes, I just select “→ Markups” and the changes are displayed. I am pretty sure, in MSOffice it worked the same way in the past, but I didn’t test it in a while.

In OnlyOffice this doesn’t work. when selecting “→ Final”, it looks as I would expect it to look, but changes are not possible. when I try to edit something, changes will just not happen.

@hirntot Hello,
There is a relevant new feature suggestion in our bug tracking system, I have added your request to it. Thank you for sharing!