Chinese should not be set to Times New Roman because there is no Times New Roman font in Chinese

Chinese should not be set to Times New Roman because there is no Times New Roman font in Chinese,When I modify the font when selecting all documents, I want only the numbers to be modified to Times New Roman font,Just like msoffice

Hi @letgooo

Can I ask you to describe the problem in a little more detail?

2023-06-16 10-30-32 00_00_00-00_00_30
ok,for example,Select all, modify font, select Time New Roman, only need to modify in English

hey @letgooo
I apologize for the delay in responses… I missed it a bit)

Thank you for the file and a GIF!
We are checking the situation.
I will let you know when I get something.

Hey @letgooo
We have reproduced the issue and added an enhancement to our internal tracking system.

Thank you for contributing to our product!