Certain .ods files won't open on Onlyoffice

When I try to open certain .ods files in Onlyoffice it gives following error: ‘An error has occured while opening the file’. When I open that file with MS Office it is opened without any issues. Now I don’t know why the files isn’t opening in Onlyoffice. So, I tried creating ods file using MS Excel and then uploading and opening which opens without any issues. Now I just want to know what can be the reason for that certain ods file to not open. Is there any way through which I can know what can be the issue with the file OR what’s causing the error? G-Drive link to file. File downloaded from File example website.

Hello @akshaySiccura
I have checked provided file with Document server v.7.1.1 and Desktop editors (the same version). I didn’t find any issues.
Please let us know your product version and provide us with details about the situation.

Hi @Alexandre
Thanks for the reply. We have a document server setup and version of Onlyoffice is v.
Logged in to onlyoffice from browser. Uploaded above mentioned file and while opening I get the mentioned error that is ‘An error has occured while opening the file’ on an alert box.

Please do let me know if any other information is required.

Thank you.

Hi @akshaySiccura,
Document Server 5.5.3 was released more than 2 years ago. As mentioned above, the file is opened correctly with the current Document Server version 7.1.1. Please install the update.

Hi @Carl ,
Will post here again once document server is updated to latest version.

Thank you for your response.