Can't use Importrange formula to get data from another excel file

I want to use Importrange to get data from excel file2 to file1,i set the range_string from file2,but the formula take the data from file1.
i trust the link i used is fiel2.
file have 3 or 4 sheet file.
in file2 sheet1【 I7】 data is 【13,135,163】
but the formula get data from 【file1】【 I7】 【111】。
If i set range_string in [“I7”] it well become [#Name/?].

how to use Importrange to get data from another excel files

If i set range_string in [“sheet1!I7”] it well become [#NUM!].



Hello @seravee236
We are checking the described behavior, I will contact you as soon as possible.

Hello @seravee236
We have found a bug in the described scenario and we have started working on it.
Thank you for bringing our attention to this situation!

Update: as a workaround solution, please try specify the formula as ='[link]Sheet1'!A1