Can't update workspace community version

Community Server/Control Panel version:
Type of installation of Workspace (docker, deb/rpm, exe, please point us to the installation guide that you used as well): Docker
OS: Ubuntu
Browser version: Firefox


I can’t update workspace community version under the control panel interface. All buttons are greyed (for Document server, control panel, and community server).

Is there a way to solve it ?


I also have the same problem. Even though I set up a proxy on Docker to bypass the firewall in mainland China, the buttons in the control panel are still grayed out.

However, I can update the container through the update command in a one-click script.


I updated document server and community server with these commands:

$ sudo bash -u true -dv latest -ics false -icp false -ims false
$ sudo bash -u true -cv latest -ids false -icp false -ims false

I tried it for the control panel:

$ sudo bash -u true -cpv latest -ics false -ids false -ims false

but I received these errors:

Error response from daemon: Get “”: tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
Docker image onlyoffice/controlpanel:latest not found

Have you got an idea ?


Hello @Bob
Do you have any firewall in front of your installation? It seems that the situation could be related to firewall settings or SSL certificate: