Can't connect to OnlyOffice from Nextcloud (only one NC instance from 3)

Hello, can anybody help me with Nextcloud to Onlyoffice connection problem?

We are running 3 NC instances (latest version) and two OnlyOffice servers (one licensed and one as community server). All NC servers are using latest OnlyOffice connector App.

One (from 3) NC cannot connect to both OnlyOffice servers.

Error occurred in the document service: Error while downloading the document file to be converted.
getConvertedUri on check error

Cannot handle token prior to 2024-05-09T06:41:36+0000
Download empty with invalid jwt

I can ping from that problematic server to all OO servers.
The weird thing is that it started with split second downtimes - like it was working for 10 sec followed by 3 sec downtimes. Randomly. Now it cannot connect anymore.

Any idea what to check or which logs to send?
Thank you in advance.

Hello, does the time match on all servers? It seems like one of the servers time is off, so there is an issue with jwt token validation.
You can usually update the time on your machine using this command

sudo date -s "$(wget -qSO- --max-redirect=0 2>&1 | grep Date: | cut -d' ' -f5-8)Z"
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Hello, I just double checked date and time on all NC servers and it seems correct.

Also the strange problem, it is working now for a while and randomly it disconnects

for i in {1..100}; do sudo -u www-data php occ onlyoffice:documentserver --check; sleep 1; done

Like 25 sec all OK and in 26 sec

Document server https://XXXX/ version is successfully connected
Error connection: Error occurred in the document service: Error while downloading the document file to be converted.
Document server https://XXXX/ version is successfully connected

Hello, you were right. One of this NC servers was 0,3 sec behind the onlyoffice server and probably the 0,3 sec is the edge between when it works and when it doesn’t
Anyway thank you :slight_smile:

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