Cannot open files without first clearing cache

ONLYOFFICE Mobile: Documents
Do you want to: Report a bug
Device: Galaxy S20
OS version: 13
App version: 8.3.0
Mode: On Device

When opening the app and attempting to open a document from the file system, OO will not open the file until the app cache is cleared. Choosing either Yes or No at “Restore previous…” does not appear to make a difference. Screen recording attached. (Have encountered this for the last several versions).

Hello @kjdfngrt
Please update the app to v.8.3.1 and double-check the situation. Please let us know the result.
Also please clarify whether the issue is related to any files or specific ones?

Hi @Alexandre,

Confirmed still happening in v8.3.1
Any files.


Thank you, we are checking the described scenario.

Dear @kjdfngrt
Just to clarify the situation. Could you please double-check whether the issue reproduces in any other folder? In the provided video file I see the folder hierarchy, but I’m curious if the issue is the same in any folder\main root folder.
Also please clarify if there were any specific files actions or did you just upload\create files in folders and start editing?

Hi @Alexandre,
This behavior has been consistent ever since I’ve used OO on Android actually.

Yes any file or folder (including the built-in ‘Sample Spreadsheet’).
No specific action other than opening the file.

It’s harder to quantify precisely how long before the issue returns after a cache clear. I will generally be able to open files without issue for some period of time (a “session”) after clearing the cache. The experience is that the issue occurs whenever opening the app for the ‘first time’ (e.g. for the first time in a given day). I would guess correlating with the OS putting the app into ‘background’ or sleep when not used.


Thank you, we are looking into it.

Dear @kjdfngrt
Currently, we are on the finish line with the v.8.3.2 tests for Android app. I suggest waiting until the release and re-check the situation.

Hi @Alexandre,
Okay sounds good. Many thanks.

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