Cannot connect Docserver to external PostgreSQL DB over LAN

I have a ProxMox homeserver running multiple containers:

Nextcloud = 102 =
OnlyOffice = 104 =
PostgreSQL = 105 =

All containers are unprivileged Debian12 stable images.

Nextcloud and OnlyOffice are correctly configured and successfully web-facing.

Currently OnlyOffice is using the PostgreSQL db installed with the AIO script within the same CT but I am migrating all services to the dedicated PostgreSQL CT 105, and herein lies my problem - no matter what I try, I cannot point the docserver to my Postgres CT.

I have created the user, database and password within Postgres and tested connection from OnlyOffice with:

psql -h -U onlyoffice -d onlyoffice

which successfully connects to the database, as checked with:

SELECT datname, usename, client_addr, client_port, state
FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE client_addr IS NOT NULL;

which returns:

datname | usename | client_addr | client_port | state
onlyoffice | onlyoffice | | 51232 | idle
(1 row)

sql block in local.json:

   "sql": {
    "type": "postgres",
    "dbHost": "",
    "dbPort": "5432",
    "dbName": "onlyoffice",
    "dbUser": "onlyoffice",
    "dbPass": "REDACTED"

I even attempted to pass environment variables before running the install:

export POSTGRESQL_SERVER_USER=onlyoffice

This had zero effect and the default arguments were passed upon installation.

I cannot find documentation on this specific issue or bug ANYWHERE, so if anyone could help that would be amazing, as at the moment it’s looking like I might have to spin up a docker container to force the variables to pass, which I really don’t want to do on this install!

Hello @Guacamole4323

Take a look at logs of Document Server and share any records with status [ERROR]. Logs are located in /var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver directory (same path in the container if installed with Docker).

Do I understand correctly that the installation type of Document Server is Docker?