Can docbuilder use custom parameters?

I use Web Document Builder API to generate documentation, how to pass custom parameters.In the .docbuilder I use 【var sCompany = Argument[“company”];】 to receive parameters and the result is undefined.

Hello, there is no way to pass custom parameters to builder. All available methods are described in the documentation:

thanks for your answer。ONLYOFFICE Api Documentation - Web Document Builder API this method cannot pass parameters,I can use the following:

docbuilder.exe "--argument={\"company\":\"ONLYOFFICE\",\"product\":\"ONLYOFFICE Document Builder\",\"compatibility\":\"100%\"}" "path-to-file\sample_with_arguments.docbuilder"

I just wanted to check if the passing of arguments via API is on the roadmap for development? Thanks in advance, Dave

Hello @molloyda
Do you mean this method? ONLYOFFICE Api Documentation - ONLYOFFICE Document Builder integration API
If I misunderstood the situation, please provide us with details.

By the way, if you have commercial license, it’s better to contact us via to get prompt replies.

Hi Alexandre,
We are calling docbuilder as a URL from an enterprise installation of OnlyOffice Docs running as a container.

We have been able to pass arguments locally to a command line ‘docbuilder.exe’ but are uncertain if it is possible to pass them via URL.

E.g. ONLYOFFICE Api Documentation - Web Document Builder API

It looks like you can only pass a previously constructed .docbuilder file but have no mechanism to pass a docbuilder file and separately arguments.

Just wanted to check if that functionality is on the roadmap (or if we’re missing something)

Many thanks,

Hello @molloyda
We need some time to check it out. I will come back to you as soon as possible.

Hello @molloyda
We are going to update our API guides and add a sample how to use arguments with web builder. At this very moment, probably this sample of request may be useful for you:

    let oDoc = Api.GetDocument(0);
    let oPar = oDoc.GetElement(0);
builder.SaveFile("docx", "simple.docx");


var body = {
    "payload": {
        "async": false,
        "url": buidler_script,
        "argument": { "key": "string", "key2": "string2" }

Thanks for that Alexandre - we’ll give that a go and see how we get on.
Many thanks,

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