callCommand function is not executed for Presentation files. It is executing for Doc and Excel files. But not for Presentation files. Please check our code below.
(function (window, undefined) {
window.Asc.plugin.init = function () {
window.Asc.plugin.event_onDocumentContentReady = function () {
window.Asc.scope.editorType =;
setInterval(function () {
function () {
console.log('call command IN'); // Not executed for Presenatation files alone
var currentPage = Asc.scope.editorType === 'cell'
? Api.GetActiveSheet().GetIndex()
: Api.GetCurrentVisiblePage();
return currentPage;
window.Asc.plugin.onCommandCallback = function (currentPage) {
console.log('Received onCommandCallback audit result:', currentPage);
}, 1000);
})(window, undefined);
We already have same “EditorsSupport” in config file.
I am unable to upload zip package here. So we have consolidated all the code in the attached document. Please do let us know if you need more info
Have you tried accessing the editor with your plugin from Incognito mode? It is possible that some intermediate version of plugin was cached.
By the way, I was informed that you submitted a ticket via Help Desk platform. Please do not post similar topic in different channels. I recommend sticking to the communication in the ticket.