Calendar API Events

When making an API call get calendar information with the calendarId it is returning events on the calendar as ‘null’. What is the best way to get events on a specific calendar?

Hello @aloreaux
Please point me to the API request which you sent to achieve desired scenario. Also please let us know your Workspace component versions (Community server, Control Panel, etc.)


I was using this api call originally GET api/2.0/calendar/{calendarId}.

I ended up using this GET api/2.0/calendar/calendars/{startDate}/{endDate} and just send the end date 100 years from now and filtered out the calendar I needed.

But ideally just providing the calendarId would be better.

It is version hosted solution from OnlyOffice.


Thank you for your description, we are checking the situation.

One more time I want to say thank you.
We have added your request to internal tracksystem (internal bug number - 59192). We are going to change API documentation for api/2.0/calendar/{calendarId} method and probably we will add separate method in case of ‘to get events for a certain period’.
Thank you for pointing us to this situation!

Great to hear! Thank you! In the future does this mean api/2.0/calendar/{calendarId} will return all events on calendar?

In the future does this mean api/2.0/calendar/{calendarId} will return all events on calendar?

We are still discussing this method internally. In case of hundreds\thousands events in the Calendar, the output result will be huge and inconvenient.
I can only confirm that we are working on it, but I don’t have news about how it will work exactly at the moment. Anyway, we are going to change API description for mentioned method. Also we are planning to add additional method for certain period.
I will update this thread when we have something to share.