Bullet list are acting weird when changing font size


Here is what I see get:

At first, changing font size is acting ok.
But, after a while (or a certain size), it’s making none-sens:

  • the bullets have a size way more important than the text
  • space btw the bullet and the following text is not the same depending on the line

Note that:

  • I first encountered an abnormality with the space btw the bullet (b.) and the following text. I was not using huge font sizes, just regular sizes.
  • when I created the test file, at first everything was normal :frowning: but then… you can see what happened.

weird spacing.docx (26.0 KB)

thanks for analysing it.

Hello @arcqus :vulcan_salute:

We’ll look into your case. Once I have information on your situation, I’ll get back to you!

Thank you for providing a detailed description of the issue!

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We have reproduced the issue you described and have created a bug report.
Thank you!

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Hi @arcqus :wave:

I wanted to inform you that ONLYOFFICE Docs* v8.1.0 has been released, and the bug has been fixed.

For more details and the full list of new features in version 8.1.0, please refer to the changelog: Version 8.1.0 Changelog.

* The new version of ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors (8.1.0) will be released within the next couple of days.

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