Brochure suggestions 5/22: Error in German help text

This is a part of my Post Experience and suggestions with creating a brochure - #2 by Nikolas where I collected my expieriences with Only Office. I was bidden to split my suggestions in single pieces. So here you go:


  1. German help text for keyboard shortcuts (hot keys): Repeat CTRL+J must be CTRL+Y

Thank you :slight_smile:
I’ll let you know as soon as the changes are implemented or if there are any further questions.

Hey @ToxyLT
We have registered your suggestion to add the ability to use different hotkeys for different interface languages!

Sorry, that was not my suggestion.
There is no other key in German for “redo”. It’s the same as in any other language and any other program: ctrl+z=undo, ctrl+y=redo. The use of ctrl+j is an error in the german translation of the help text (perhaps because in other contexts “y” stands for “yes” and in this cases the german translation would be “ja”).
Please just change the “J” to “Y” in the German help text.


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Understood :ok_hand:

We’ll update the keys on the page KeyboardShortcuts.aspx soon.
Thanks! :heart_hands: