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I am using below code to fetch document pharagraph text , doing some validations, getting the range and adding as a bookmark. But when user goes to Menu->References->Bookmarks → Click on bookmark → GOto Button. Cursor is going to the location but also selecting some additional text which is ahead or later. How to fix this range issue.
window.Asc.plugin.callCommand(function () {
let objTtile18Style = {
"StyleName": "Tile18",
"FontName": "Arial",
var oTextPr; var oParaPr;
var oDocument = Api.GetDocument();
//header Test
var totallength = 0;
console.log("Number of elements oDocument : " + oDocument.GetElementsCount());
for(let i=0;i<oDocument.GetElementsCount();i++)
var ephara=oDocument.GetElement(i);
var paratext=ephara.GetText();
var oContentLength = paratext.length;
oFontName = paratext.GetFontNames();
} catch(error) {
var firstFontName = oFontName ? oFontName[0] : null;
// Compare the style with the defined style
if (oStyleName !== objTtile18Style.StyleName || firstFontName !== objTtile18Style.FontName) {
if (oStyleName !== objTtile18Style.StyleName) {
if (firstFontName !== objTtile18Style.FontName) {
// console.log("The first font name '" + firstFontName + "' does not match with the defined font '" + objTtile18Style.FontName + "'. //Content: \"" + oContent + "\"");
console.log("Content starts at position: " + totallength);
console.log("Content ends at position: " + (totallength + oContentLength - 1));
var rangestart= totallength;
var rangeends = totallength + oContentLength - 1;
var oRange = oDocument.GetRange(rangestart, rangeends);
var tt= paratext.toString();
var nContentControlType = 1;
oRange.AddBookmark("Error at :" +paratext);
console.log("element :" +i + "oDocument get element:" + paratext);
}totallength += oContentLength;