Badly displayed PDF in OnlyOffice

Do you want to: Report a bug
OS version: Windows 10
App version: (x64 exe)
Downloaded from: ONLYOFFICE website / Other (specify)

I found a bug with displaying pdf in OnlyOffice, for some reason there are black rectangles - this only happens in OnlyOffice on Ms Edge, Firefox, Sumatra PDF and Adobe Acrobat this file looks correctly (As a new user I can’t upload more than one image)

Here is a screenshot from OnlyOffice Viewer:

If You have any questions related to this issue, feel free to ask.

Hello, @dedoci

Could you please attach a file to confirm the issue?

Hi @Nikolas,

here is a link to download file: Send Big Files up to 5GB Securely. Tresorit Send: Secure, Fast & Free

As far as I can see there is no option to upload pdf file directly.

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Thank you for providing the attached file. It appears that the issue is related to shadows.

We are checking the situation.
I will let you know when I get something.

Hi @dedoci :handshake:

We have created a bug report for the issue you encountered.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention!

Sadly I found another bug regarding OnlyOffice PDF Viewer. Firstly many fonts are not as sharp as on others PDF Viewers. But most importantly, there is an isssue regarding Polish characters using Latex exported to PDF.

Here is orginal version:
Screenshot 2023-12-03 123308

In OnlyOffice:
Screenshot 2023-12-03 123352

Honestly it looks really bad.

Could you provide the file for reproducing the issue, please?

here is a link to the PDF and Latex Source File:

I used Overleaf to create this Latex document.

I hope You will find the solution for that :slight_smile:

hey @dedoci

Thank you for providing the file! :ok_hand:
I will inform you as soon as there is information regarding this issue.

@dedoci :handshake:

We have created a bug report for the issue you encountered:
Incorrect text display in the PDF file”.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. :saluting_face:

If you have any further details or updates related to this problem, please feel free to share them with us.

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unfortunately I found another example of badly displayed PDF. This file was created in PowerPoint Online and exported to PDF.

In OnlyOffice:

In Other PDF Viewer:

And as You can see there are some weird lines on the blue part.

Here is a link to document:

Yes, some lines are visible in the screenshot :eyes:

We are already looking into the issue with displaying these lines. I will update you as soon as we gather additional information.

(Thank you for providing the examples :hugs:)

Hi @dedoci

We reproduced these problems and added the bugs to our internal tracking system.

Thank you for contributing to product enhancement! :hugs:

I will leave this topic open, but please, if you encounter a new bug, open a new topic. :hugs:
It is more convenient for users to find similar issues by referring to topic titles.