Bad alphabetical sort onlyoffice spreadsheet

| Col 1 |
|ñuñez |
|coso |
| amigo |
|gonzalez |
|zocalo |

Select column
Select filter

| Col 1 |
|amigo |
|coso |
|gonzalez |
|ñuñez |
|zocalo |

| Col 1 |
|amigo |
|coso |
|gonzalez |
|zocalo |
|ñuñez |

linux desktop version

Hi @pablososa

Thank you for the information and detailed description.
We are investigating the issue.
As soon as we have any updates on the problem, I will let you know.

Hi @pablososa

Sorry for the delay in responses.

We have reproduced the issue and added bug 62180 to our internal tracking system.

We thank you for helping us find this bug :+1:

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