Backup to Third party resource

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When choosing backup option Third party resource it and going for Nextcloud is pops up to enter login and password but it does not have a space to enter URL.

And there is this error after entering login information because indeed i have not configued the url to my Nextcloud anywhere.


Am i missing something or you forgot to add it on the new update? On version 2.5.1 you could configure the URL.

On the docs Changing the DocSpace settings - ONLYOFFICE it says:

" You can also use Nextcloud, ownCloud, SharePoint, kDrive, or another WebDav service. Select the necessary service from the list, then click Connect. In the Connecting account window, specify the connection URL, your login and password, and click Save."

Hello @irdi

We are aware of this issue. Sorry for inconvenience.

Thanks for the reply.
Is there a way for users to track reported bugs and progress work on those?

We are always providing a notification once the issue is resolved and new version with fix is released.

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Thanks, Constantine!

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@Constantine It just happened again!