Hello there,
It’s basically to see if this function could be implemented (or via a plugin) because it’s basically lacking a lot.
I guess most Presentation users has already had this problem : to be sure that your presentation will be well read in every computer (espacially to avoid compatibility problems with MS office, OnlyOffice, OpenOffice, LibreOffice,…), you export your presentation in PDF.
But if you have animations in your presentation (basicaly appearing, disappearing things, other kind of animation are mostly not really necessary), you will only have a slide with all the stuff that is supposed to appear/disappear on it.
The possibility then is to generate yourself new slides for each animation steps…
For MS Office and LibreOffice they are plugin that do it for you (PPspliT for MS Office, ExpandAnimation for LibreOffice/OpenOffice), but i can’t find equivalent function or plugin for OnlyOffice.
Do you know if it exists or if it’s possible to get this function in OnlyOffice ?
Thank you very much,