Automatic opening a file passed as argument


Is it possible to have onlyoffice-desktopeditors automatically opening (for editing) the file passed on the command line as a argument?

Hello @cezarc
Do you mean something like that?
C:\Users\User>"C:\Users\Public\Desktop\ONLYOFFICE Editors.lnk" /t "C:\Users\User\Desktop\Work\Document1.docx"

add /t + path to file

Sorry, it does not work as expected, the /t switch just open new empty file.
I’m using onlyoffice-desktopeditors 7.0.0-127, on Ubuntu 21.10, commercial license.

Oh, sorry about that. I was confused and decided that you are talking about Windows installation. For Linux try to run onlyoffice-desktopeditors “path to file”
I prepared short video with my test:

If I misunderstood your request, please clarify it.

Well, it works fine when you give full path, but try to open file in the local directory like:
onlyoffice-desktopeditors file.docx
onlyoffice-desktopeditors ./file.docx

The need for always adding full path name is, well, unexpected - isn’t it? :wink:

Do I understand you right that your idea is openning a file from Terminal without full file path and without being in the folder itself where the file is located when the command is executed?

I just tried a test, if I go to file location (cd /home/alex/Desktop) and then run onlyoffice-desktopeditors file-name.docx - it works in case if I am in the same folder as the file.