Authenticator tools have broken down

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Additional information: linux Arch, W11

I am a humble yet very satisfied home user of your products. In the account created in your cloud, I used to run small household accounts etc. Unfortunately, I was using double security in the form of Authentictor to log in. I don’t know how it was possible but from my Authentictor app on my phone the authorization account for OnlyOffice disappeared. As of now I am not able to log in to my cloud. Please help.

Translated with (free version)

Hello @nylio

When enabling 2FA reserve codes are generated, you can use them when logging in your portal. After that you can disable 2FA and re-enable it to create new Authenticator app QR.

If you have these codes, please try using them.

Good morning,
thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, the problem is more complex. How do I pair my account if I lost access to it and can’t generate a new QR code because, I can’t log in to the cloud/app due to the lack of an authorization code? A vicious circle is created. I tried resetting my password, but the reset also requires Authentication.

Hi @nylio :wave:

Thanks for the additional details, and I can totally understand how frustrating this must be. If you don’t mind, let me step in and help with this issue.
Could you please send me a direct message? We’ll do our best to get this sorted out for you.

Looking forward to your message!