Are there any private deployment, insert row and column callbacks?

Hello. I am a private deployment. I wonder if there are any callbacks for inserting rows or columns to facilitate my data processing. Thank you.

Please clarify, in what particular Editor would you like to insert rows and columns? Spreadsheet editor?
For Spreadsheet Editor it can be achieved using the following script:

var oDocument = Api.GetDocument();
var oTable, oCell;
oTable = Api.CreateTable(2, 2);
oTable.GetRow(0).GetCell(0).GetContent().GetElement(0).AddText("Example 1");
oTable.GetRow(1).GetCell(1).GetContent().GetElement(0).AddText("Example 2");

Thank you, I want to know how this api came from

It is just compiled from different methods presented in the API, including the following methods: GetRow, GetCell, etc.

For example, if you follow the link for GetCell method, you’ll see an example which demonstrates other relevant API manipulations

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