ApiBlockLvlSdt.SetBackgroundColor not working

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This function is not working, you can see it at the example :


sdk-all.js:12976 TypeError: oBlockLvlSdt.SetBackgroundColor is not a function
    at eval (eval at g (sdk-all.js:12976:370), <anonymous>:3:256)
    at eval (eval at g (sdk-all.js:12976:370), <anonymous>:3:366)
    at eval (eval at g (sdk-all.js:12976:370), <anonymous>:4:3)
    at g (sdk-all.js:12976:370)
    at b.Oci (sdk-all.js:12998:457)
    at sdk-all-min.js:745:208

DocumentBuilder version: 7.3
Installation method:

Hi @humbol

Thank you for the information provided.
Our team is already working on it.