All translations for OnlyOffice in a single file (one file for each “English”<->“translation language” pair)
It will be much interest to obtain a single file for all OnlyOffice translations (web-apps, desktop-apps, plugins, etc.) for each different language, in a TMX or similar format. This file must be downloadable in an anonymous way, if possible, to download it by script or an automatic process. That file (one for each language), can be generated weekly or monthly.
This file can be used to improve quality on OnlyOffice translations:
improve consistency (same translation for same word in same context), this is very important for translation teams with more than one member
run quality tests: there are some translation teams that have their own infrastructure to detect typos and errors in translated files (LanguageTool, quality reports, etc.)
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.