Alfresco / Onlyoffice connector / Add external links to cells from files stored in Alfresco instance

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For feature suggestions, describe the result you would like to achieve in detail: Add external links to cells from files stored in Alfresco instance

Document Server version: 8.2.2-22 Entreprise version

Type of installation of the Document Server : deb/rpm on Ubuntu

Connector version: 7.0.0

Alfresco Share version: (rnull-b, Aikau 1.0.129, Spring Surf 9.0, Spring WebScripts 9.1, Freemarker 2.3.30-jakarta-1, Rhino 1.7.12, Yui 2.9.0-alfresco-20141223)

Additional information:
In the Spreadsheet Editor, you can create an external link to a cell or a range of cells in another workbook. The external links to cells can be created between files within the current portal (in the online editor) or between local files (in the desktop editor). We would like to create these links between files hosted on Alfresco instance.

Hello @basile.boulanger

This feature is planned to be implemented in the connector app for Alfresco in future releases. Unfortunately, there is no estimated timeline for it available yet.