After workspace installation with docker, no acces to documents when clicked in the Docs interface


I just installed workspace with docker on debian. Proceeded to an import of a previous backup.
Can see my docs in the interface, but blank screen when click on a doc.

Can see logs when carrying a page, but nothing in the log when click on a doc.

I must say that i’ve made no change on the configuration after installation (except my backup import).

Thanks by advance.

Hello @stroncon,
Please provide the following info:

  1. Versions of installed Workspace components (Document Server, Community Server, Control Panel)
  2. Document Server logs (/var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver - Document Server container)
  3. Screen recording of the issue reproduction, so we could better understand the essence of the issue

Thanks for your help.

I’ve reinstalled onlyoffice on another server, with deb packages only. Exactly same problem.
so :

community server
documentserver : 8.2.2-22
controlpanel :

The browser is a blank screen (see attached)
No log entry for these access.

It’s like if it was “before” nginx, a server error. Can’t understand why, because URL is well formed.

Precision : the error occures only with paths like /Products/Files/DocEditor.aspx?fileid=XXX.
No problem for images etc…



I can find these logs lines in /var/log/onlyoffice/nginx.access :

[04/Feb/2025:22:13:56 +0000] “GET /Products/Files/DocEditor.aspx?fileid=30285 HTTP/2.0” 500 86 “” “Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36”

no other log lines

I also noticed that the webstudio directory (var/www/onlyoffice/webStudio) contains empty files with this thext “This is a marker file generated by the precompilation tool, and should not be deleted!”.
Seems not normal, but i don’t know anything about asp…


Were there any errors during the installation process?
Also, please provide docker ps command’s output.
Do you mean that there are absolutely no logs in the above-mentioned directories?

Sorry, there are logs, but only one line about this ^problem (error 500).
No others error log entries

Can’t show you docker output because, as i’ve said yesterday, I switched to a debian package install now. And I have exactly the same problem.

During the docker installation, no error.
During the deb installation, problems with the buster distro source-list.
I’ve done the installation many times before ending. Solved when I’ve used Debian 11 instead of debian 12.

I have two hypothesis :

  • obsolete configuration for nginx files (perhaps a version conflict between modules ?)
  • problem with the webStudio.

In fact, I had a stable installation since 2022, on bookworm in deb packages. Last week, I updated the repositories and the webstudio files disappeared. I wanted to reinstall and that’s how I lost my server. I have my bakups but can’t reinstall.

I tested the installation on three different servers and the only time it worked was a freshly reconfigured server, downgraded to debian 10 (except for the 500 error from the documentserver)

Please provide the following logs as files:

  1. Document Server logs (/var/log/onlyoffice/documentserver)
  2. Community Server logs (/var/log/onlyoffice)
  3. MySQL logs (/var/log/mysql/)