Adding watermarks to documents using the insertImage method has no effect

Adding watermarks to documents using the insertImage method has no effect. Both the community and development versions have attempted, but the watermark image has not been loaded or displayed.

I know it I know it

What should I do next, wait for the version update or…?

update to lastest version . and then install the watermark plugins.

Hello @zhanghq
Do you mean this method? ONLYOFFICE Api Documentation - InsertWatermark
If so, please provide us with your docbuilder script and a test file, we will check the situation.
If I misunderstood the request, please clarify it.

One more thing, please do not post the same questions in different topics. Your second topic is closed: 通过insertImage方法向文档添加水印没有作用

No, I’m using this method.ONLYOFFICE API 文档 - 方法
like this:
“c”: “watermark”,
“fileType”: “png”,
“url”: “

Hello, @zhanghq
I don’t fully understand your ultimate goal. Could you please clarify your question if it hasn’t been resolved yet? :eyes:
If possible, provide more details. :handshake: