Adding plugin to workspace

Is it possible to add plugins to onlyoffice community server ?

Hello, please clarify your request: do you mean that you want to add some plugins to change the functionality of Community Server itself?

Yes. I would like to load custom content in comunity server to add custom actions to certain areas.

Unfortunately, there is no way to add plugins to Community Server itself for now

I got the same question. Let’s make it specific.

Is it possible to add the Markdown-editor as discussed in How to edit .md files in ONLYOFFICE | ONLYOFFICE Blog to WorkSpace?

In other words: how is it possible to have both a Markdown-editor (DocSpace only?)and an email-server (WorkSpace only?).

  • Install both WorkSpace and Docspace, integrating them somehow?
  • Get the paid version of WorkSpace?
  • Something else

I hope to get some clarity, as this split between WorkSpace and DocSpace is very confusing.

Hello, unfortunately there is no way neither to use Mail Server with DocSpace, nor to add Markdown plugin to Workspace. It is impossible to integrate DocSpace with Workspace as these are two completely different products each providing unique way of collaborative work

So WorkSpace has document-editors, and DocSpace has the same document-editors. Difference is that DocSpace can have additional editors, while WorkSpace cannot. That’s very unfortunate and very confusing.

You speak of “each providing unique way of collaborative work” as the differentiating factor of the two products. This statement I can find on different places all over your website and on this forum, but collaboration-approaches is not where it’s about. It is about functionality.

I’ve been on the edge so many times to buy your product, but each time I am held back because of the product being weird and confusing. :frowning: I really hope you get the product-roadmap clear, because this is really killing the potential of the editor.

Unfortunately, there are no plans to implement custom plugins in Workspace at this time. Workspace and DocSpace are two distinct products with different feature sets. We are sorry that your needs weren’t met